Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Second rest day- sorry for the wait on update

I was unaware until after looking at the video that my son ran in the background in his underwear. I had go over some of my other tries at the video yesterday and did not have one where I didn't have a dog barking, a kid asking questions, sneeze, or something else weird. So you get to read today. Woot woot!

Rest! Glorious Rest!!!
When you've actually stuck with a program (even if you haven't stuck with the diet) you need this day. Omgoodness I needed today. A while back I was told by a friend that when your metabolism is up, it can cause you to sleep more. This was during a conversation where she was trying to explain that if you slept less, your metabolism went down. At first I didn't believe her. Now I'm thinking she has her foot in on a good theory here.

(BTW as a note here, if you have a theory on how a body works, look into it. I've noticed that a ton of my theories actually have research to back it up. Your body is a lot smarter than you give it credit for. If it's trying to tell you something, research it!)

Why do I think rest day is so important?
#1- Your body will fight you if you don't give it a day to repair itself. I don't care if you're walking 10 minutes a day followed by 50 situps. You will not get the abs you want if you do not give them a days rest in between your ab workouts. You will not lose the weight you want if you do not let your body have a day to repair itself. I dare you to do the research on this one. Unless a workout is routine for you (something you've done every day for over a month) your body has to repair the muscles for the new exercises. If it IS the same daily routine, you're not getting any benefits from it other than a mini calorie burn for those few minutes. Go pro at this if you really want to lose weight. Change your routine up at least every 3 weeks and make sure you have at least one day of rest each week. BtW did you know an overworked body can actually retain fat and use muscle as its energy source? Go sit down now!

#2- You need a mental day. Pampering yourself is NOT A BAD THING. Take a bath while reading a book in the 30 min you would have exercised that day. Take this time to relax and unwind from your week. Less stress means less cortisol, GH, and norepinephrine production in the body. We've all seen the commercials that blame cortisol for the mean boss of them all, belly fat. We need to see more commercials for norepinephrine which causes ADHD and depression. Yes, the same hormone/neurotransmitter that causes a person's mind to go a million miles an hour can also cause them to slow down and cry. The more we slow down and the more anxious we get, the more we tend to overeat and pick the wrong foods. And with a society FILLED with norepinephrine, we should urge each other to take a day to catch up. It's almost instinct now for our bodies to overdose us on this mean mean hormone. To make a long story short, get out of those work out clothes and step into a relaxing bath. Now. Do it!

#3- Your workouts are not you. This is not your "life". Your family, your mental health, your hobbies... they want to see YOU, not a workout-aholic. We all love the feeling after a workout. Our body is sore, we feel like a champion, our adrenaline is pumping, we look sexy when sweaty... But don't be afraid to take a day where you have one less thing on your schedule. I say this mostly for the people who spend the whole 2 hours at the gym each day. I'm happy you have that childcare time where someone else watches the rugrats. Stop being a gym nerd. We're all looking at you funny. You should see my face right now. It's all like (0.o) (<--- me looking at you funny) Workout weirdo... See, if you would have just taken the day off from working out today, I would have never looked at you this way.

Workout for the day- NONE
Calories- 1440
Protein- 102 (Ok so I had two shakes today and a lot of chicken)
Stayed within ranges of fats. Went over by 6 on carbohydrates.
Majority of meals today- fruit
I had an amazing chicken salad today. Omgoodness it was good.
1 can mandarin oranges, 1 cup steamed apples (no I normally do not steam or cook my fruits and veggies), less than 1/4 cup pecans, a little coconut, 1/2 cup diced grapes, plain yogurt, 1 chicken breast. I made it up by sight. I saw someone at work have it. OMGOODNESS I'm in love with this meal. :)

Shakeology mix for the day- 1 scoop shakeology, 1 cup yogurt. Mix with spoon and enjoy like pudding :)

    Email- forgivenscreenprints@yahoo.com
    About me and Beachbody
    How to order TurboFire, P90X, Insanity, Beachbody products, Shakeology

    Monday, October 31, 2011

    Back from the land of pouting

    When I say I messed up with food, I'm not saying "I ate a snack cake! OMG!" I'm talking about I ate a box of snack cakes. I ate at McDonalds. I ate a huge burger and french fries and polished off the plate at Applebees. I ate 4 snack bags of trail mix in one sitting (that's 800 calories btw). Like I was baaaad baaaaad. So if I was that bad and still managed to lose a pound, I think I was pretty blessed this week.

    I stuck with the Turbofire workouts. Fire 45 is BY FAR my favorite now. The music in it was AWESOME!!!!
    When I did TurboJam I was only motivated by Chalene. I hated the music. I didn't feel like pushing hard for a good workout. With TurboFire that's completely different. The music gets me excited. Chalene gets me excited. The people who work out with her are calling out things and getting pumped up just like a gym class is. I litterally feel like I'm front row in one of her classes. And then when it comes to stretching her voice is calm and motherly. I can do the strech with my eyes closed and just breath which is exactly what I needed this week.
    My extra classes were a Hustle class on Thurs., one on Sunday, and a Zumba and bodypump class on Friday. Later I'll talk to you guys about some of the stuff I learned in bodypump that has me researching New Zealand.
    So this week I'm promising myself that I will do better. There is no breaking my non-horribleforanyone'sbodylifestyle "diet" until I hit 215 and hold it for three days. I will celebrate with my favorite burrito from OC Burger.
    Why is that going to suck this week? Because tonight was Halloween and my kids have full pillowcases of candy. I swear a 5 year old thought up this holiday. It's one of my favorites but a pain in the butt when I have to say "OK Laura, 2 peices of candy per day at most".
    But I was motivated tonight. Each year we see kids walking on their own as their parents slowly drive the cars next to them. Last year it bothered me because I kept thinking "This is time you're supposed to have with your kids. This is about them and enjoying watching them have fun." But this year my thought process was "YOU JERK! Stop being so lazy and spend time with your kids you lazyass!" Walking isn't that hard for most people and while they watch their kids, they're almost hitting every kid trying to cross the street.

    Answering Emails-
    Is there an at home version of Hustle?
    Yes there is :) Click Fan specials on this site. I haven't seen one of them yet but I would think it would be similar to my instructional videos where she does the actual class. They're around 35$. If you plan on getting one later or have a friend that wants to try one also I would suggest getting more than one at a time because they charge a crud-ton for shipping. I just got 2 of their 7$ hustle shirts and it cost me 15$ in shipping. And make sure you get the Fan promotionals. The regular workouts are for TRAINERS ONLY and they will ask for your trainer information AFTER you pay. So while it looks like you'll get it, you won't until you provide your certification and there are no refunds.
    Is there another beachbody program like Hustle?
    I've never seen either of them but I believe Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Body are very close to Hustle. It's like a zumba version of it. Instead of teaching you the dance from beginning to end they do the same move for a full 8 count so you can pick it up and repeat the same movies over and over through a song. Plus it's with Shaun T who is the creator of Insanity/Asylum

    Please email me with more questions if you have any. I love emails :)

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011

    And on the 3rd day she rested./ WHY YOU SHOULD TURBO WITH ME!

    Ohhhhhh the saddest day of the week. Today is rest day. Yep, three days into the program you have to rest. This will be the third day of each week. This is why it's so important to choose which day you start the program in a way that really fits with your schedule. If you don't rest on your "rest" day, there's a huge chance your body can fight you. Just like a working person, we all need a break. Too much and we go into break down mode. The body can revive and regenerate and repair and all the other "re" words that are healthy, as long as you take care of it. It's an amazing machine that requires maintenance. Healthy food, healthy exercise, sleep, and love are all you need for a healthy body. I think rest fits under love.

    So do I work out at all today? NOPE. This is a personal choice that works for me. I know from experience that when it comes to my body, if I don't take this day to chill, I'm just not going to mentally be there. I'll feel rushed, the scale won't work with me, I'll be stressed, and it's just not a good thing. Even God took a day off. I'm not even a billionth of a percentage as awesome as He is so of course I need a break every now and then.

    Should nobody work out on the rest day? I say what works for me. What works for you might be different. If you really really really really want to work out on your rest day, don't kick yourself all day about it, go work out... oooooooooor you could change which day you start your week on.

    What do I eat on my rest day?
    • Fruits and veggies for the most part
    • Very low carbs from breads but I still eat them. 
      • Carbs are brain food. I need my brain to actually work. Plus I get insanely cranky if I don't have carbs. I usually go with A (that means one) thin bagel with hummus or avocado
    • I stick to the bottom of my ranges for cal/carb/fat but try to increase my protein 
      • Protein helps keep your metabolism up. It takes longer to process. The fruits and veggies will help clear your system of meats if you're worried about them. 
        • If extra protein really really really bothers your intestinal tract (backs you up) try a brown banana twice on high protein days. Not brown brown to the point that you gag when trying to eat it. But spotting on the peel is a good sign that the fructooligosaccarides (just happens to be my favorite word in the world) a.k.a. healthy bacteria the breaks down fruit, are ready to help clean out your tummy and eat up waste making it easier to go #2 :)
          • Look! It's a note of a note of a note! I wanted to see what the bullet looks like for this one.
    • I may take two Shakeology shakes this day to not feel lethargic since I'm not getting my hormone boost from a workout. 
     Why did I choose Tuesday for my rest day? I work Tuesday night and then I'm off Wednesday-Friday. What is Wednesday and Friday? BRING IT ON DAYS! Those are the days I really really reeeaaallly push it. The kids are in school. I have dance classes. I hang out with my friends. Who wouldn't want to rest before that?

    You can support me and my mission to go back to college for nutrition by shopping under my beachbody page. My suggestions (things that I use personally) are Shakeology, TurboFire, P90X/P90X2, and the protein bars.

        Email- forgivenscreenprints@yahoo.com
        About me and Beachbody
        How to order TurboFire, P90X, Insanity, Beachbody products, Shakeology

        Monday, October 24, 2011

        HIIT me baby one more time, yah I went there

        Day 2 of TurboFire was HIIT 15. HIIT stands for High intensity interval training.
        What is HIIT?
        It's spurts of high intensity workouts (30 seconds to a minute at a time) that raise your heart rate to the point that you can't talk by the time you're done. Then you repeat it with a 30 second break in between eat time for around 5-30 minutes based on your fitness level. Some ideas of intervals are sprints, floor touches, jumping jacks, burpees, high knees, and turbo jumps. If you usually groan when someone tells you to do it, it's usually an interval exercise. :)
        How does this work? (The whole thing is a link to a page that I think describes it so much better than I ever could)

      • HIIT trains and conditions both your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems. You train your anaerobic system with brief, all-out efforts, like when you have to push to make it up a hill, sprint the last few hundred yards of a distance race, or run and hide from your spouse after saying the wrong thing.

      • HIIT increases the amount of calories you burn during your exercise session and afterward because it increases the length of time it takes your body to recover from each exercise session.

      • HIIT causes metabolic adaptations that enable you to use more fat as fuel under a variety of conditions. This will improve your athletic endurance as well as your fat-burning potential.

      • HIIT appears to limit muscle loss that can occur with weight loss, in comparison to traditional steady-state cardio exercise of longer duration.

      • To get the benefits HIIT, you need to push yourself past the upper end of your aerobic zone and allow your body to replenish your anaerobic energy system during the recovery intervals.

      • Is HIIT for everyone?
        If you have cardiovascular problems or are pregnant or have other conditions where you can't get your heart rate past a certian level then no. But if you're wanting a challenge and are ready to work really hard for the weight loss I would reccomend it.

        Before I did the turbofire program I stopped in at the gym and did circuit weights. I did 240 with my leg pushes today! It's funny how excited I get when I can increase a weight. I know I'll never have skinny mini legs so I'm completely ok with making them as muscular as I can. They carry me everywhere, I need them to be strong. While I was doing bicept curls an previous trainer of mine (3 session with him and I couldn't stand him) came up and said "How much have you lost now?" I told him 85 and he goes "And I see you've made weights a weekly routine. Go you!" I know I'm being a brat when the only thing I can think of is "Umm duh, I knew to do weights before you." But I didn't say it out loud because he was actually trying to be nice. But he injured me when he trained me so I'm slightly (extremely) bitter.
        On the turbofire program today she did a warmup, one interval program for 30 seconds, reapeated it two more times, then had two other interval programs that she did 3 times each. I thought they were fun. There's a ton of jumping. I had done a video but I (tmi) still have flabby legs that made a slap noise a few times when I was jumping. NOT POSTING THAT! lol But I will post one next week with the volume on the program turned up so if it happens again you won't hear it. I'm happy that I'm starting this program while still in the "obese" category because it proves to me that obese is just a category people put you in to say you're fat, and it DOES NOT dictate how active you actually are or what you're capable of doing.
        Following the HIIT program I did the 10 minute stretch. I missed it yesterday. I think this is a strech I'll do right before bed and not just after these workouts. I was so relaxed by the time I was finished with the 10 minutes that I layed back for a second destressed. I could literally feel the stress fall off my shoulders and feel my muscles thanking me. It was a wonderful feeling. I LOVED the stretch.

        Aaaaaand now for my video on how I got to over 300 lbs followed by my fitness and nutrition plans for the day.
        And while doing it I saw my Rock Star wrist band in the picture and realized star backwards is Rats
        • weights (20 min)
        • Hustle training (20 min)
        • HIIT turbofire (15 min)
        • Turbofire Stretch (10 min)
        I almost think I shouldn't include my hustle training because I did it half paced but I can't really be picky about it. At least I wasn't sitting on my butt doing nothing.



        Clementine, 1 serving35901
        Almonds, 1 oz (24 whole kernels)1646146

        Breakfast TOTALS:19915147


        Beachbody Shakeology - Chocolate, 48 gram(s)14017117
        International Coffees French Vanilla Cafe Flavored Instant Coffee, powder, 1 Serving651030

        Lunch TOTALS:20527417


        Ground beef, lean, 4 oz29902320
        Beans, black, 0.5 cup1142008
        Whole Wheat Tortilla, 1 serving1302434
        Carrots, raw, 2 cup, chopped1052512

        Dinner TOTALS:648692834


        Apples, fresh, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)812100
        Access Bar, 1 serving1472634
        LowCarb Creations, Snickerdoodle Cookie, 1 serving1409115

        Snack TOTALS:36856159
        Totals: 14201676067
        Your Daily Goal: 1,380 - 1,730183 - 26536 - 6360 - 143
        Remaining Today: 0 - 31016 - 980 - 30 - 76

        (Sorry it's all jumbled like that. I'm rushing today to get this done before I shower and go to work.)

        Sunday, October 23, 2011

        Welcome to my Hooooome!/ How I lost the first 85

        Hallo! My name is Laura. I am a fitness nerd that has chosen to spend the next 90 days becoming boss at TurboFire
        Why am I making this a public blog? Because I love sharing fitness with others. I want to show you how I've lost 85 lbs over the last year and plan to keep it off. I'm not a master trainer or a certified nutritionist. I'm just a normal person who is trying to fix their life. Over the next 90 days I will share with you:
        • - How I'm doing with TurboFire
        • -Nutrition tips
        • -Exercise tips
        • -A little about myself and my past
        • -Product tips (of the products I use)
        • -My fitness log
        • -My nutritional log
        • -Anything I feel like sharing because this is my blog! ;p
        I plan on doing written journals and video journals. I'll try to keep the videos to around 3 minutes. Attention spans get shorter and shorter and I can relate to that. I don't want to bore you to death. I want to share information with you. So thank you for starting on this journey with me.
        If you have any questions or want me to cover a topic

        January 1st of 2011 I made the biggest body decision I've ever made... stop being fat and start being what I was meant to be. I was 305 lbs, depressed, lazy, angry, and not excited about anything other than WoW (world of warcraft). I have two boys that I wasn't playing with. I was having a hard time keeping up at work. People looked at me as if they felt bad for me and it was bothering me. I was also terrified of having a heart attack. Heart disease runs in my family and being morbidly obese was only going to shorten my life span.

        To me, that is a pretty common story. Change the number of kids, the addictive hobby, and the weight and it could be most modern working moms. So this week I want to tell you:
        • Today- What steps I took to lose 85 lbs this year
        • Tomorrow- How I got up to 305 lbs
        • Tuesday- Why I chose TurboFire and Hustle
        • Wednesday- Shakeology, Beachbody, and Melaleuca (The companies that make the products I use daily)
        • Thurs.- Organic lifestyle
        • Friday- How I split up my meals
        • Saturday- A recap of the week
        • Any of the days- If I have a question from someone I will do a written or video response so please feel free to email me any questions and make sure to include how you want me to reference you (use your name or say anonymous)
        So starting off- Where am I on day 1?
        220 lbs
        Waist- 44.5
        Hips- 47
        Butt (measured under tummy)- 46
        Chest (at bra line)- 37.75
        Right bicept- 15.5
        Left Bicept- 17.5
        Right Thigh- 26
        Left Thigh- 26
        Right Calf- 17.25
        Left Calf- 17.25

          And today's blog video on how I've lost 85 lbs
        Today's exercise- TurboKick (In place of turbofire 30) - 1 hr
        Nutrition chart pasted from Sparkpeople.com

          Email- forgivenscreenprints@yahoo.com
          About me and Beachbody
          How to order TurboFire, P90X, Insanity, Beachbody products, Shakeology