Monday, October 31, 2011

Back from the land of pouting

When I say I messed up with food, I'm not saying "I ate a snack cake! OMG!" I'm talking about I ate a box of snack cakes. I ate at McDonalds. I ate a huge burger and french fries and polished off the plate at Applebees. I ate 4 snack bags of trail mix in one sitting (that's 800 calories btw). Like I was baaaad baaaaad. So if I was that bad and still managed to lose a pound, I think I was pretty blessed this week.

I stuck with the Turbofire workouts. Fire 45 is BY FAR my favorite now. The music in it was AWESOME!!!!
When I did TurboJam I was only motivated by Chalene. I hated the music. I didn't feel like pushing hard for a good workout. With TurboFire that's completely different. The music gets me excited. Chalene gets me excited. The people who work out with her are calling out things and getting pumped up just like a gym class is. I litterally feel like I'm front row in one of her classes. And then when it comes to stretching her voice is calm and motherly. I can do the strech with my eyes closed and just breath which is exactly what I needed this week.
My extra classes were a Hustle class on Thurs., one on Sunday, and a Zumba and bodypump class on Friday. Later I'll talk to you guys about some of the stuff I learned in bodypump that has me researching New Zealand.
So this week I'm promising myself that I will do better. There is no breaking my non-horribleforanyone'sbodylifestyle "diet" until I hit 215 and hold it for three days. I will celebrate with my favorite burrito from OC Burger.
Why is that going to suck this week? Because tonight was Halloween and my kids have full pillowcases of candy. I swear a 5 year old thought up this holiday. It's one of my favorites but a pain in the butt when I have to say "OK Laura, 2 peices of candy per day at most".
But I was motivated tonight. Each year we see kids walking on their own as their parents slowly drive the cars next to them. Last year it bothered me because I kept thinking "This is time you're supposed to have with your kids. This is about them and enjoying watching them have fun." But this year my thought process was "YOU JERK! Stop being so lazy and spend time with your kids you lazyass!" Walking isn't that hard for most people and while they watch their kids, they're almost hitting every kid trying to cross the street.

Answering Emails-
Is there an at home version of Hustle?
Yes there is :) Click Fan specials on this site. I haven't seen one of them yet but I would think it would be similar to my instructional videos where she does the actual class. They're around 35$. If you plan on getting one later or have a friend that wants to try one also I would suggest getting more than one at a time because they charge a crud-ton for shipping. I just got 2 of their 7$ hustle shirts and it cost me 15$ in shipping. And make sure you get the Fan promotionals. The regular workouts are for TRAINERS ONLY and they will ask for your trainer information AFTER you pay. So while it looks like you'll get it, you won't until you provide your certification and there are no refunds.
Is there another beachbody program like Hustle?
I've never seen either of them but I believe Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Body are very close to Hustle. It's like a zumba version of it. Instead of teaching you the dance from beginning to end they do the same move for a full 8 count so you can pick it up and repeat the same movies over and over through a song. Plus it's with Shaun T who is the creator of Insanity/Asylum

Please email me with more questions if you have any. I love emails :)

1 comment:

  1. I <3 the fact that you are doing so well...even when you think your not! to lose a pound after eating all that WOW!!! AWESOMENESS!!! you much have been a burning machine!! I am sorry that your "friend" was found not to be one afterall.....I guess that is why I dont have many close because I seem to always be the butt end of jokes to others so I can feel you on this one! ....well off to get my blog written....hope to hear from you again soon...
